Tag: Analytics
Shepherd offers companies with complex and lengthy service orders a solution to avoid mistakes and omissions in their job reporting and invoicing by letting technicians keep a job open after reporting on it or not. Read this blog to find out more.
Allocated Orders are a new feature that’s now offered by Shepherd, bringing flexibility to the management of repeat jobs. The..
A US-based medical equipment support company recently began the implementation process for Shepherd and NetSuite. This blog looks at how this has improved their operations and how CMMS can be for any company with assets to keep an eye on.
Shepherd's CMMS software helps businesses maximize their operations. But to access the information needed for management decisions, companies need reliable data. That's where Shepherd's BI tool comes in, which looks at financial postings, providing reliable information that's crucial for decision-making with confidence. Read on to learn more.
Efficient maintenance management is always preferable, but when key industries like water supply are involved which can make the difference between homes having water and not, a tool like Shepherd in the mix can make the difference between a service company getting that maintenance contract and not. Read more here.
Maintenance usually spells unavoidable down time for company operations. However, this is different with shepherd thanks for updates that happen seamlessly thanks to being NetSuite native, as well as ensuring any integration with third party software has the least impact on the client further down the line. Read the full blog for all the details.