Grid View
List View
Shepherd allows cases to be made into service orders, where necessary, without ever breaking the paper trail of a case’s progression within NetSuite making it easy for everyone involved to trace how it has evolved, even when field service is needed to close a given case.
A one-size fits all rarely works if customers are varied: for that reason Shepherd has made managing consumables and billable materials like parts in terms of accounting and inventory work best for the customer, rather than Shepherd.
Companies seek a CMMS to deal with their field service maintenance management yet this is not the part most challenging in implementation. Often it is how to model your equipment within Shepherd’s solution. Read this week’s blog to see why that is the case.
Implementation is not a fixed process that starts and ends at defined points. There are phases that come before, during and after that companies should consider to maximise the benefits and limit the disruptions of a major change in company operations.
Investing is hard when money is being diverted to warehouse orders due to a lack of a clear and up to date inventory. This week’s blog looks at why this happens and how the Shepherd solution can help make sure you only order what you actually need and bill for what has been used.
Once implemented there are only a few ways day-to-day users will interact with the Shepherd CMMS solution. On the managerial side that means the Planner Board. Read this week’s blog to learn what that feels like.